The Reading Room
At PMP, our sweet spot is the delivery of both time-tested principles as well as current tools for effective leadership, management and coaching to our client partners.
What makes us unique is our application of breakthrough communication skills that evokes action, enables personal growth and produces measurable results in organizations.
To support our work, we have assembled carefully selected articles and books on subjects that expand on our technology or serve as foundational concepts for related efforts.
We are happy to share the following articles with you. Simply click on a link below that is of interest and you will be taken to the site where the article resides. Some of them are lengthy, so you might consider printing them for reading later.
Reading Room Links
About Emotional Intelligence - Talent Smart, Inc.
Tips on How to Explain Emotional Intelligence Perspectives and Examples
Diversity, Beyond the Jargon; An article written for The National Council Magazine
Diversity Beyond the Jargon (.pdf)
Identify the goal of your area of responsibility.
Create alignment and synergy on your team.
Build supportive management to encourage achievement.
Tips on effective Strategic Planning.
Building trust.
PMP's Favorite Books
"Barefoot to Billionaire", 2014, Jon M. Huntsman, Sr. Overlook
"Brief Answers to The Big Questions", 2018, Stephen Hawking, Spacetime Publications Limited
"Emotional Intelligence 2.0", 2009, Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves, Talent Smart
"Focus", The Hidden Driver of Excellence, Daniel Goleman, 2013 HarperCollins Publishers
"Getting to The Truth, A practical, scientific approach to behavior Analysis for Professionals", 2017 Cliff Lansley, EIA, Ltd.
"Great by Choice", 2011, Jim Collins, Morten T. Hansen, HarperCollins Publishers
"Insight", Tasha Eurich, 2017, Crown Business
"Maps of Meaning, The Architecture of Belief", 1999, Jordan B. Peterson, Routledge
"On Emotional Intelligence", 2015, Daniel Goleman, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation
"People Skills", Robert Bolton, Ph.D., 1979, Simon & Schuster, Inc.
"People Styles at Work and Beyond", 2009, Robert Bolton & Dorothy Grover Bolton, Ridge Associates, Inc.
"Social Intelligence, The New Science of Human Relationships, 2006, Daniel Goleman, Bantam Books
"The Book of Mistakes, 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Life", 2018, Skip Prichard, Hachette Book Group, Inc.
"The Trusted Advisor", 2000, David H. Maister, Charles H. Green & Robert M. Galford, FREE PRESS
"Truth and Interpretation, Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson", 1992, Ernest LePore, Blackwell Publishers
"The 12 Rules for Life, An Antidote to Chaos", 2018, Jordan B. Peterson, Random House Canada
"Why God Won't Go Away", 2001, Andrew Newberg, M.D., Eugene D'Aquili, M.D. Ph.D., and Vince Rause, The Ballantine Publishing Group
"Winners never Cheat", 2005, Jon M. Huntsman, Sr., Wharton School Publishing
"A Passion for Excellence", 1985, Tom Peters, Random House
"Built to Last", Collins & Porras, 1994, Harper Business
"Corporate Culture & Performance", 1992, John Kotter & James Heskett, Free Press
"Good to Great", Jim Collins, 2001, Harper Business
"High Impact Learning”, 2001, Robert Brinkerhoff & Anne Apking, Perseus Publishing
"Leadership Is an Art”, 1989, Max DePree, Dell Publishing
"Leadership & The New Science",1992, Margaret Wheatley, Berrett-Koehler
"The Fifth Discipline",1990, Peter Senge, Doubleday/Currency
"The Gates of Fire", Steven Pressfield
"The Speed of Trust", 2006, Stephen M.R. Covey with Rebecca R. Merrill, FREE PRESS
"Selling to VITO", 1994, Anthony Parinello, Adams Media Corp.
"Spin Selling",1988, Neil Rackham, McGraw-Hill
Personal Growth
"How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work", 2001, Robert Kegan & Lisa L. Lahey, Jossey-Bass
"Iron John, A Book About Men", 2004, Robert Bly, DaCapo Press
“Disconnected”, How to Reconnect our Digitally Distracted Kids, 2016, Thomas Kersting
"Kinds of Power",1995, James Hillman, Doubleday/Currency
"Learned Optimism", 1991, Martin Seligman, A.A. Knopf
"Life Is A Contact Sport",1994, Ken Kragen, Morrow
"The Acorn Principle", 1998, Jim Cathcart, St. Martin's Press
"The Path of Least Resistance", 1989, Robert Fritz, Fawcett-Columbine
"The Souls Code-In Search of Character & Calling", 1997, James Hillman, Doubleday/Currency
"The Celestine Prophecy", 1993, James Redfield, Warner Books
“How Emotions Are Made-The Secret Life of the Brain, 2018 Mariner Books; Houghton, Mifflin Harcourt
“Lost Connections” – Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope; 2018 Bloomsbury Publishing
“Talking to Strangers” – Why do our interactions with Strangers so often Go Wrong? 2019 Malcolm Gladwell, Little Brown & Co.